Friday 25 November 2011

Live from the Freeman

A little while back I wrote about the awful experience I had at my local cancer hospital. It's a brand new place - clean, bright, airy - but I hated the fact that I was surrounded by posters and leaflets about cancer. My point being, I KNEW why I was there, and I didn't want to be constantly reminded about why I was there. I didn't want to know that while I was being treated for breast cancer there were loads of other cancers I could have too...

I had a little cry that day in the waiting room.

Anyway, today - here I am, writing this LIVE from the same hospital. I'm here with my mum while she has some routine scan done for her back fractures. We've been here since 11.15 and we're due to leave at 2.30pm

Got to admit, we weren't looking forward to spending half the day in the hospital,! What a pleasant time we've had! The coffee was excellent in the cafe, and we had a delicious (and cheap!) lunch in the hospital's restaurant - fish and chips for mum, curry for me (in the hope that it will make the india visas come quicker). We even spent money in the cancer shop - (I bought a woolly hat) and now, here I am with Internet access too - I'm able to write and publish a blog whilst she gets her scan done!

AND thanks to the efficiency of the staff etc, I will be home in time to collect the littl'un off the school bus!

Marvellous. And so much different from that awful day when all I could see was the word 'cancer' staring at me from every wall and every leaflet rack.

And yet, it's all exactly the same here as it was that horrid something else must have changed...I think it must be me. :)

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:The Freeman hospital, Newcastle.


  1. Aren't you a clever little computer nurd doing a blog live in a hospital. The restaurant sounded nice, perhaps Eileen and I could put it on our circuit of OAP restaurants. We don't have one for a Friday.

  2. Ooooh look at you with the pleased that you felt better this time....quite often when you have cancer or there for specific treatment etc every word or picture seems to jump out at you and is accentuated.

    It is testament to your strong will that it didn't effect you like it did...yes I guess you have changed...they say what doesn't kill you makes you stronger which is certainly true in your case, dear friend!

    Much Love

    T xxxx

  3. Dad - Definitely get the Freeman on your list of lunches!! :-D

    Tony - I'm back in there on Monday for my 6 monthly check up. I'll be taking the IPad (which really belongs to the kids who have paid for it out of their egg money from the hens!!) so will shout for help on there if required...!
    Much love xx
